Thursday, March 21, 2013

Rare Daily Post

I know that Rare and Daily don't go in the same sentence, but in this case they do! A friend of mine has a blog, it's about american girl dolls. So if you have an extra minute, just go and have a look, you can get to it at: Also if you have heard of a craft, game, etc. that you don't know how to play/do. Just comment. See ya next week.
P.S. Sorry about the repeats and mess-ups, this computer doesn't exactly agree with me.

 Hands on Craft:

So you've worked your self up into a huffy-puffy frenzy, now you're ready for some sitting down time.
  • Six pieces total. Three of strings of one color three of the other, each 24-30 inches. 
  • Scissors
Okay, after you've finish gathering these things, cut the string as I told you, then knot it, just a normal knot (meaning whatever knot is easiest for you). Now that you've done that, tape the strings on to you table, or twist the knot into a rubber band and wrap that around a book, or...Slip the knot under the clip on the clipboard. Now make (with your first color) a four, like this: 4. Once you've done that, twist the end of the angle around and under, (look at pictures) now pull up! Alright you did that now do the same with the other side, just make a backwards four instead. (Look at picture). Pull up, and go back to the forward four knot, you keep doing this, in this pattern, until you have the length you want. And that is how you make a Knotted Friendship bracelet! 
Picture of the bracelet in process:

 This is between doing a knot

Picture of it closer:


This is with only two colors, though I prefer multiple. 

Picture of backwards four:


Picture of a forwards four: